In sooo many ways,
permaculture and Christianity are very compatible. And I've met many who don't identify as Christians who have totally outdone me in kindness and generosity. It isn't either of those kinds of things. What I was referencing relates to my guess/experience - that some things I've found I need in a happy home environment are like fresh air to most Christians I encounter, but can seem (understandably) very limiting to those who don't share those convictions. I don't want to limit anyone. I would not want my convictions to put pressure on the
freedom of others when it comes to my vote on house guidelines. I know myself well
enough to know what's in the range of healthy growth for me, and what is just 'the line' for me, on a few controversial topics (which I might expound upon in a PM, but I think posting publicly about much of it would just start some fruitless wars

I want respect others enough to not ask them to bend their 'unbendables' - or cater to mine if it is limiting for them. I also want to respect myself enough to allow myself to Have some unbendables and not feel guilty about having them if I have found them to be healthy for me. While I *absolutely* believe in compromise and middle ground when it comes to things like dishes, chores, quiet hours (or not!), I don't think 'compromise' is a
sustainable answer when it comes to spiritual convictions, and I don't want to ask of others that kind of compromise. Let's live where we can be our freest selves, and then come together regularly for really amazing potlucks!