Stu Smith

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since Feb 06, 2015
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MN, USDA zone 4a
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Leaves and fruit have no resemblance to any of the hawthorns that grow on my place, but there are a great number of hawthorn varieties (mayhaws)
8 years ago
I love Grand least from late May through October anyway. If you think of it, I'd sure appreciate a "heads up" when the lupines are nearing full bloom
8 years ago
You must be in the Arrowhead? I'm in central MN and the ground has been bare for quite awhile now.

You should be fine potting up your plums. I've got a number of freshly grafted apple rootstocks/scions sitting in my unheated shop now and they won't get planted out for another month or so. I have them in a big tub and covered the roots with dirt. Did the same last year with great results.
8 years ago
I'd skip persimmons if you're in the UP
9 years ago
You could try looking here
9 years ago
This is just me...but there is absolutely no way I'm going to allow a bunch of strangers on ladders picking fruit on my place. If there's a group who carries their own insurance (and can prove it to me) and who specializes in picking tree fruit..then I may consider it. I'm all for sharing the harvest, but I'm also fully aware that there are a great many people in the world who are "accident prone" and have personal injury attorneys on speed dial.
9 years ago

Jean-Sebastien Busque wrote:Thanks for the help.
Damage is on the all the side of trees. over the past 2 years large number of trees have had symptoms but this year it's catastrophic! nectarine, plum, pears, apple, asian pears, apricot, cherries (stella), sea berries all have trouble. Currents(black/white/red), honey berry, elderberry, hazelnut, aronia Berry, cherry cupid and carmine jewel are doing fine. I will do some cutting and burning

Very few of the trees you listed are zone 3 hardy. Skip nectarines, skip most plums (there are a few that hardy to zone 3 but not many), skip asian pears, skip apricots (they may survive but will rarely if ever produce fruit due to blooming early and having late frosts), skip cherries except for a couple pie cherries, apples may do okay but you have to do your research on 3 winters are a bear. I live on the border of 4a/3b
9 years ago