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Daniel Jerome

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since Jun 28, 2016
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Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone was doing any work with the Raspberry Pi in C# one the Windows 10 IoT core platform.  I have playing around with permaculture and aquaponics for a while now.  I am started in the direction of having Raspberry Pi controls handle monitoring and controlling certain areas of my aquaponics. I'd like to know if anyone else is interested in this idea as well.  I've earmarked a few articles in Nuts N Volts but they are old and I can no longer find the make and model of components in the article because they appear out dated.  I intend to create an API and have it upload to a Microsoft Azure based Service App.

I've just started using the new Raspberry Pi 3. I've even gone ahead and created a few small blog articles about working with them in case anyone is interested.

I intend to use nueral networking to do a bit of predictive analysis.  There seems to be no shortage of people using the Raspberry Pi as weather stations. I'm just not seeing much else going on in terms of monitoring home brew sustainable living projects.

Thanks for your input,
Daniel Jerome
Palm Harbor, Florida
8 years ago
I love my chickens. The rules in our county only allow me to raise four hens. I have two reds and two speckled. Thus I get brown eggs and blue eggs respectively. One thing that I am really curious about is the fact that one of my red hens is laying odd shaped eggs. There doesn't seem to much of a difference in the end product when it hits the frying pan. What I can say is that they are a lighter brown and that they seem much thinner in shape then the eggs that are produced by the other three chickens. I'm usually not around when any of them are laying eggs so I'm not sure which one is the funky chicken... I spend a good amount of money on feed that is enriched with Omegas and other vitamins. I was wondering if anyone has seen this before.

Dan Jerome
Palm Harbor, Florida
8 years ago
I believe it's called allelopathy. It's the process in which the Live Oaks leaves and roots produce a chemical barrier which prevents most plants from germinating. I've been having trouble finding the links that I took my notes off of. I've been looking all over for the links today. I do know they were from some colleges. I seem to have a problem with young plants on the northern side of my garden. A few people have suggested that there are too many oak leaves in my compost this year. My garden is on the southern facing side of a large Live Oak tree as well. There is plenty of light and water. It's been raining a lot here lately and I water my garden on a regular basis.

Dan Jerome
Palm Harbor, Florida
8 years ago
I've been doing some research on the subject matter of Live Oaks. I noticed that the leaves they drop essentially break down into a chemical composition that makes it difficult for smaller plants on the ground to grow. I was wondering if anyone knew more about this. I would like to know if there are any natural solutions out there from any of you fellow permies.

Any input would be greatly appreciated,

Dan Jerome
Palm Harbor, Florida
8 years ago