Ilias Papaioannou

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since Oct 17, 2024
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Recent posts by Ilias Papaioannou

Hello lovely people,

I'm wondering if you have any experience with Biodybamics online training. I found several resources but I dont know whether it's good or not.

Any suggestions?

Thanks a lot,
Thanks a lot, Tereza! I’ve already bought a bokashi bucket, so I’ll start with that for now. I’ll explore homemade Lactobacillus more deeply later this year.


Tereza Okava wrote:Ilias, in case you decide to look at bokashi we've got some great threads here, such as
(there are plenty more)

And pleeeeenty of discussion about making the starter yourself, no need to buy it.

3 months ago
Great responses, thank you all. I’ll give it a try as a beginner and let you know what I figure out.

3 months ago
Well, Matt, you are right! I want fertility for my plants, as well as try in practice these methods just to see for myself how they work.

I guess I'll check some tutorials on Vermicompost and FMC and try those. I heard that even an expired milk diluted in water does the job too. 10 to 1, water to milk.

You guys respond really fast here! I'm so grateful I found this community!


Matt McSpadden wrote:Hi Ilias,
Welcome to Permies!

There is a saying that you don't want a drill bit, you want a hole. I wonder if this is one of those situations? Must you have compost? Or do you simply want fertility for your plants?

I think of vermicompost. This can be done on a small scale in the city, probably with the scraps you have around the house. It would provide some very fertile worm castings as a result. It is not the same as compost, but provides fertility and biological life... which is why we use compost.

Another thing to look into might be Fermented Microorganism Concentrate (which I believe is part of the Korean Natural Farming realm). Which is another way to produce a lot of fertility in a small space.

3 months ago
Thank you for your response, Tereza!

I was also wondering about the volume. In the workshop, we worked with more than a cubic meter of compost. I’ve seen those compost tumblers or barrels (I’m not sure what they’re called) that are around 160 liters, which is much smaller than a cubic meter.

Even though I can bring brown material from the forest, I can’t manage such a large compost bin in the city. So, I might go for the Bokashi method as well. Any advice there? I have a lot of fruit and veggies waste.

3 months ago
Hello beautiful people! I'm super new to this adventure and I'm glad to be here. I bought land in Evia, Greece and I'm working and learning to build my own agriculture project.

My question though has to do with Composting recipes that you use in cities. I live in Athens and I want to make some compost for my balcony flowers and veggies. So, I'm asking for compost recipes that works for you.

Thanks a lot
3 months ago