So, I've been looking into Bokashi, and noticed the adding of EM-1 as the main part of the process.
I wondered if EM-1 can be made at home.
What bacteria does EM-1 consist of?
Lactobacillus plantarum, casei, fermentus & bulgaricus. (Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB))
Saccharomyces cerevisae (Yeast)
Rhodopseudomonas palustris (Photosynthetic) (Purple Non sulphur bacterium)
SO how do we capture all of these to make EM-1?
Lactobacillus can be made through the rice
water rinse/fermenting method with
milk. But also through any lacto-ferment such as sauerkraut/kimchi etc.
Saccharomyces cerevisae - brewers yeast
Rhodopseudomonas palustris - the tricky one, or so I thought. Sources are stated as pig manure, worm castings,
pond water & marine coastal water.
Can you use the rice water rinse ferment/ sauerkraut juice with worm castings from your vermicompost, paired with brewers yeast... or if you use spent beer grain as a substrate, could that be your source, or would there not be
enough yeast remaining to be useful?
And in what ratios?
Can you make a liquid mix that you spray into your bokashi system?
Or would you mix all of the above onto a substrate- eg spent beer grain or other grains and substrates that are recommended?
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