Anne Miller

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since Mar 19, 2016
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We manage a 40 acre wildlife area of the Texas Hill Country in the Edwards Plateau at about 3030 ft above sea level. The region is notable for its karst topography and tall rugged hills of limestone. The terrain throughout the region is punctuated by a thin layer of topsoil and a large number of exposed rocks and boulders, making the region very dry and prone to flash flooding. Native vegetation in the region includes various yucca, prickly pear cactus, native grasses and wildflowers. The predominant trees in the region are Ashe Juniper, Shin Oak and Texas Live Oak. Soil is alkaline consisting of caliche and clay.
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USDA Zone 8a
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Recent posts by Anne Miller

I have seen some pools that have just been sitting unattended that are really nasty.

If that pool is really nasty then cleaning it by emptying it first will be called for.

Once clean taking measure to keep it clean can be daunting.

I like the suggestion of fish and water plants.

Our wildlife prefer to drink out of pools of water on the ground rather than the options that we furnish them.
4 hours ago
I like the suggestion about the video calls.

I hope the host finds a solution.

The folks at Wheaton Labs described a similar situation in one of their post, maybe the one that Tereza linked.

If I remember correctly someone found dirty dishes hidden in a drawer.
5 hours ago
Of the plants that I have planted Sweet Alyssum has such a sweet smell.

Honeysuckle has a sweet smell, too.

French Marigolds in contrast are just the opposite.
5 hours ago
Etsy sounds like a great place to start out since Etsy is very popular and has a little bit of everything there.

Ebay and Amazon are also another choice.
21 hours ago
I remember someone telling me that scratching on a chalkboard irritated them.  Who scratching on a chalkboard?

Other noise that bother folks might include car alarms, squeaky doors, high-pitched screeching, and/or crying children.

Crying children might bother me though I am never around them if I can help it.

There are certain sound effects or music in movies that bother me.

Dear hubby watches TV all day and I am not fond of the kind of movies he watches.  

So what kind of noises bother you?

1 day ago
If that were my tank I would use 2 x 4s to build a cage around the tank. Maybe three in the front and three in the back anchored in concrete the with  horizontal 2 x 4s for braces on all sides.

Situating the tank on a bed of sand might also help.
Darla, welcome to the forum!

This post suggests linseed oil:

We used 2x6 tongue and groove boards for our countertops. On the the underside we fastened the the boards together with pocket screws so we didn't have to use any glue. We applied a couple of coats of linseed oil to the top and reapply every 6 months or so.

I don't have any experience with countertops though I use olive oil to refurbish my knife handles.

1 day ago
St Patrick's Day came and went.

How did the peas turn out?  Or did they?
2 days ago
Welcome to the forum~

I grew eggplant so I could make meatless lasagna.

Never found a way that I like it...
2 days ago