Lots of itty bitty bees on my property! Finally got one to pose for me, on the top of my water bottle.
Maybe 5-7 mm long. Really tiny. Cute! A bit helpful (ooh, let me help you do that! No! get out of my face!) but didn't sting, just kind of... helped. Very curious beasties, they looked at everything.
Anyone know who they are?
ID tip - bees and wasps have longish antenna that stick out sideways like horns. Flies have much larger eyes and short things that stick out forwards like a beak. I recently posted this picture in "cool bug pics"of a very large hoverfly I met in my garden that pretends to be a hornet... but still no tell tale horn like antenna!
Surfs up space ponies, I'm making gravy without this lumpy, tiny ad: