We finally got around to trying a little horse logging and the experience was terrific. It had all the hallmarks of homesteading; a little hard work, a little invention, time with family and of course....firewood. We'll definitely work towards the right gear and develop some skill at it. This is not a how-to but more of an encouragement if you've ever wanted to try it, hope you enjoy:
I appreciate the leatherworking in this video too awesome!!
The little engine that could.
NomadicRanch Bionoculars,Cast Iron skillets,crock pots,Military gear/shovelsWoodworking tools,Rugged Cameras,rechargeable flashlights,Solar technology,tents,pack saddles,well made backpacks send to Benjamin Skiba p.o.box 1132 Teec Nos Pos Az 86514 items benefit sheepherders and surrounding community will be distributed
If you believe you can tell me what to think, I believe I can tell you where to go. Go read this tiny ad!