back quite a while I got 1kw of 3x6" solar cells, tabbing and bus wire, power converters, charge controllers, everything but batteries, glass and slygaurd. and have yet to do anything with them until I can find some glass panels to repurpose.
can any of you share your experience making your own solar power panels
If you can try to locate some old patio doors. they tend to pe tempered glass which can deal well with the heat the cell put off. Build your own has kind of gone away with dirt cheap panels. Lots of adds online for 230-260 watt panels for anywhere from 15 to 25 cents a watt all done... Lots of the farms have upgraded to the newer panels and flooded the market with 7-10 year old perfectly good panels...
Just a thought. Good luck on your project.
Cheers, David
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