Hi everyone,
I'm building a new
compost system as I've outgrown my traditional pile-it-up and mix methods due to space considerations and pest pressure.
My design is an approximately 13' wide back wall supported by lolly columns about 5' high, divided into 2 sections approx. 6.5' wide x 5.5' deep. The outside of the wooden frame will get wrapped on the lower 2' with poultry fencing to keep out the abundant rats in my wooded area. I've planned it out for this size to utilize some hand-me-down sunroof panels (bubble-shaped glass domes) that I'm going to attach to hinges and use as a "lid" to help keep heat and moisture in, as well as trap some
solar energy to increase decomposition speed.
I generally cold-compost, save for when I do a big weeding overhaul in the gardens and do a
lasagna pile of woodchips, oak leaves, and weeds with sprinkles of compost throughout. Those piles get build separately right next to where I build/need them in 4' wire fencing that I tied back to itself in a circle. I'm just curious if anyone has information or insight on "solarizing" their compost piles? I'm building 1/2" spacing into the sides and front of the enclosure so it will remain breathable, and not really sealing off the glass domes save for a wooden ledger inside to help prevent it from being tossed around in the wind, so I'm not too concerned about going anaerobic but maybe someone thinks I've overlooked details? If anyone's interested, I'll share pictures and progress as I tackle this in the next few days.
Thanks everyone!