I'm extending my veggie garden. Making it a little bigger, and putting in 2 new
hugel beets. I was dreading starting because between getting my
wood chips about 6 months late (didn't get them when I had everything weeded. By the time I got them the weeds had taken over and it was too hot to bother with, so the wood chips are still in piles waiting for me to use them.) because of Covid, and laziness my garden is weed central. As a lazy gardener I have been throwing the weeds I pull out of my veggie garden these last several years over the back garden
fence. This has saved me so much work. It looked like it wasn't suppressing the weeds, because there were lots of them, and I was dreading dealing with them. The dead weeds had made a matted layer on the ground, and the weeds came up in clumps like what sod looks like. I was able to grab huge chunks and chuck it to the side with nice soil underneath. I was able to clear a good size area in a short amount of time with great results. I didn't want to put these weeds in my
compost pile because it was primarily Johnson grass and Bermuda grass, and I didn't want to chance it growing in my compost. Also it isn't a spot you see when you are in the
yard and was easy to just toss it over. I am so glad I did. My lazy compost saved me tons of work.