Thanks for your post, and I'd love more detail on this.
I'm hearing that at the Lab people pretty much always work in pairs.
In paired programming I'm hearing that there are several other elements:
--rotation of pairs, so the "superstar" programmer ends up paired with each of the other people
--taking turns being the driver and being the supporter, one hour in each role
--the shortest solution gets the prize
Are there other elements to it?
Does the Lab use the second and third elements in the list above? how does that work out? how does it compare to other permaculture/building construction/ environments in terms of the learning effectiveness for
boots or other collaborators?
In what ways does the hive mind show up?
If you haven't tried out the full-on paired programming, I would love to see what happens if you do.
Maybe it could be applied to certain low-stakes tasks that will get done OK no matter which way you tweak it, where you can easily afford to experiment and have some things not go smoothly and it's no big deal.
Then eventually a way of teaching a whole
PDC??? of teaching SKIPs?
It's a very
permaculture idea, that by limiting the speed of things in the short-term you greatly increase yield in the longer term. It really rings true and has depth to it.
Personally, I'd love to learn that way. I especially love the part where you learn from the people who seem not to be a superstar, but may see something that you don't. It sounds like it really gets around the
ego block and creates the hive mind solidly and effectively.
I acknowledge that with programming the feeedback shows up much more rapidly, the code doesn't compile, the output is obviously off by a decimal point, etc...with
permaculture you might find out in ten years that the soil is leaching something necessary or that the building is falling over sideways. I don't know if there's a way for that feedback mechanism to be sped up, but I think having group communication increases the odds that someone will see something that they know, from their own "evil banana"
experience and not just from hearsay, is a problem and can work around.
And please put this in the Community Thorns book too!
I was just looking for more info on
aquaculture, which I got, thanks for the finger idea!, but it was a really exciting podcasdt in so many other ways too!! (