There are so many wetlands edibles, but I'm not sure what will do well for you.
Watercress (nasturtium officinale) is so easy, good if you like spicy flavours.
I've found marsh woundwort (Stachys palustris) to be much nicer than expected, Stachys floridana is maybe your equivalent, although apparently it can get out of hand, so you may need to check if you are allowed to grow it.
Others that look interesting are swamp morning glory (Ipomea aquatica) although again that can be invasive in some states. Rice; apparently there are
perennial forms, and wild rice, Arrowheads are tasty (Sagittaria cuneata, and latifolia and sagittifolia), trapa bicornis I'd love to try but haven't managed to get hold of, pfaf reckon Wasabia, but I think you'd probably get a bit hot/cold there for it. Bistort (Bistorta superba) mine has quite large seeds, I'm interested to try those, also butterburr (Petasites japonicus) has many edible uses.
There are more that would be good with a bit more cold protection: Canna indica, Colocasia esculenta, they could maybe be transplated out in spring like potatoes....
What sort of area will you have? Could you have part aquatic and part boggy?