I have had a significant uphill battle to start seeds since I started
First, I could not find a single seed starting soil mix near me that wasn’t miracle gro, so I tried using some “organic” potting soil mix that was really just a mixed bag of
compost and
wood chips. This didn’t work in cell trays because of the wood chips so I gave up.
Second, I tried making my own potting mix and using it in cell trays, but again had significant failure.
Third, I tried direct seeding and it works for squash and beans, but for some reason it didn’t work well for beets, turnips, or brassicas.
A few months ago, I heard about soil blocks by Eliot Coleman and I was intrigued by the idea but didn’t want to buy another piece of equipment that was just going to fail on me. So I used, and modified, Eliot’s soil block recipe and used 3 parts peat, 3 parts soil/compost from my
chicken run, and 1 part sand. I mixed it all together with copious
water and made little mud balls to seed into. A month or so into this experiment and I can say it works! There are random sprouts of weeds from the
chicken run soil, but I can easily remove those.
Anybody else have some creative seed starting ideas?