The town gets the wind off the north plains, and I am in an exposed area here, always goes 2-4 degrees lower than what they predict for the town. They are calling 30, for at least 6 hours each night. It'll warm back up after that, not sure for how long though.
I'm out clearing tomatoes, will get some greens I don't expect to make it, got the unripe
volunteer cantaloupes, and some beans that are in a bad place and I'll forget them. Most of the beans I'm leaving, I'm seeding them at this point, so I'm not worried, although I'll grab a bunch of their leaves for greens. Will pull the sweet potato greens, but not digging today.
I'll do my seeding in a few days when I have time. Got a pretty large amount of zinnias I want to seed, as well as the beans.
And don't have time for dealing with any of this for several days.