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Nicole Castle wrote:
Basil, Osmin (Park 2009)
Basil, Dark Opal (Park 2009)
Bean, Charlevoix (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Bean, Dragon's Tongue (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Bean, Tiger's Eye (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Bok Choi, Ching Chang (Baker Creek 2012)
Carrot, Parisienne (Baker Creek 2011)
Carrot, Jaune Obtuse Du Doubs (Baker Creek 2012)
Carrot, Shin Kuroda (Baker Creek 2011)
Cilantro (Seed Savers Exchange 2007)
Cilantro, Santo (saved 2011)
Cucumber, Double Yield (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Cucumber, Greensleeves F1 (Park 2009)
Cucumber, Parade (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Cumin (SSE 2007, germination tested at 50% Jan 2012)
Daylily, pinkish-purple (saved 2012)
Dill, Fernleaf (saved 2008 )
Dill, ? (saved 2011, large seeds on this one)
Fennel, Florence (SSE 2007, germination tested at 10% Jan 2012) -- happy to add this one gratis to any trade due to low germination
Feverfew (Baker Creek 2011)
Forget-Me-Not (? 2011)
Ground Cherry, Aunt Molly's (Baker Creek, 2011)
Melon, Charantais (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Melon, Kazakh (Baker Creek 2012)
Melon, Rich Sweetness 132 (Baker Creek 2012)
Mini Luffa Gourd (saved 2008, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Mizuna (Park 2011?)
Mustard, Yukina Savoy (High Mowing 2011)
Money Plant (saved from wild 2012)
Nasturtium, Black Velvet (SSE 2011, germination tested at 80% Jan 2012)
Oregano, Greek (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Ox-Eyed Daisy (? 2010, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Parsley, Triple Curled (SSE 2007, germination tested at 25% Jan 2012) -- happy to add this one gratis to any trade due to low germination
Pea, Blauschokkers (saved 2012)
Pea, Golden Sweet (SSE 2011)
Pepper, Ancho 101 (Park 2009)
Pepper, Ancho Gigantea (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Pepper, Cayenne Long Thin (Baker Creek 2011)
Pepper, Corno Di Toro (Park 2011)
Pepper, Orange Bell (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Pepper, Orangesicle F1 (Park 2011)
Pepper, Pasilla Bajio (Baker Creek 2011)
Pepper, Purple Beauty (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Pepper, Sweet Spot XR F1 (Park, 2011)
Persimmon, Common (Sheffield 2009) -- happy to add this one gratis to any trade due to seed age
Runner Bean, Scarlet (saved 2012)
Sage, Culinary (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Sassafras (Sheffield 2009) -- happy to add this one gratis to any trade due to seed age
Savory, Summer (Seeds of Change 2008?, germination tested at 50% Jan 2012)
Spinach, New Zealand (Baker Creek 2011)
Spinach, Red Malabar (Baker Creek 2011)
Squash, Autumn Gold F1 (Park, 2011)
Squash, Cocozelle (Park 2011)
Squash, Bonbon (Park 2011)
Squash, Honey Bear (Park 2011)
Squash, Honey Nut (High Mowing 2011)
Squash, Kikuza (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Squash, Jarradale Pumpkin (Park 2009)
Squash, Orange Dawn F1 (Park 2010)
Squash, Small Sugar Pumpkin (SOC 2007)
Squash, Small Wonder F1 (Park 2011)
Squash, Sweet Reba (High Mowing, 2011)
Squash, Wood Prolific (SSE 2008, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Sunflower, dwarf mix (Park 2011)
Swiss Chard, Geneva (Park 2009?)
Tomato, Brandywine (Park 2012)
Tomato, Gold Medal (saved 2010)
Tomato, Keepsake Hybrid (Park ?)
Tomato, Pineapple (Park 2011)
Tomato, Spoon (Park 2011)
Tomato, Tomande (Park 2011)
Wormwood (Baker Creek 2011)
"We're all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder."-Rumi
"It's all one song!" -Neil Young
Judith Browning wrote:hi, Nicole....I will have Cherokee Purple seed to spare and probably sweet basil....I am in the process of harvesting both now..I'll let you know when they are dry so I can mail them. I have holy basil too and your post got me to check the seed..I missed it..but it looks like it is blooming again so I might have seed later and lots of volunteers next year. I have the basils well separated and there have never been crosses.
I've saved ch. purple seed for a few years and am more and more impressed with it...this year the invasion of blister beetles passed it by and they don't seem to be bothered by blight.
I don't really need any seed but would love to try the mini luffa you have listed if you still have it....I love growing luffas but have only grown the huge ones and sometimes they don't mature.
Nicole Castle wrote:
Basil, Osmin (Park 2009)
Basil, Dark Opal (Park 2009)
Bean, Charlevoix (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Bean, Dragon's Tongue (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Bean, Tiger's Eye (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Bok Choi, Ching Chang (Baker Creek 2012)
Carrot, Parisienne (Baker Creek 2011)
Carrot, Jaune Obtuse Du Doubs (Baker Creek 2012)
Carrot, Shin Kuroda (Baker Creek 2011)
Cilantro (Seed Savers Exchange 2007)
Cilantro, Santo (saved 2011)
Cucumber, Double Yield (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Cucumber, Greensleeves F1 (Park 2009)
Cucumber, Parade (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Cumin (SSE 2007, germination tested at 50% Jan 2012)
Daylily, pinkish-purple (saved 2012)
Dill, Fernleaf (saved 2008 )
Dill, ? (saved 2011, large seeds on this one)
Fennel, Florence (SSE 2007, germination tested at 10% Jan 2012) -- happy to add this one gratis to any trade due to low germination
Feverfew (Baker Creek 2011)
Forget-Me-Not (? 2011)
Ground Cherry, Aunt Molly's (Baker Creek, 2011)
Melon, Charantais (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Melon, Kazakh (Baker Creek 2012)
Melon, Rich Sweetness 132 (Baker Creek 2012)
Mini Luffa Gourd (saved 2008, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Mizuna (Park 2011?)
Mustard, Yukina Savoy (High Mowing 2011)
Money Plant (saved from wild 2012)
Nasturtium, Black Velvet (SSE 2011, germination tested at 80% Jan 2012)
Oregano, Greek (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Ox-Eyed Daisy (? 2010, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Parsley, Triple Curled (SSE 2007, germination tested at 25% Jan 2012) -- happy to add this one gratis to any trade due to low germination
Pea, Blauschokkers (saved 2012)
Pea, Golden Sweet (SSE 2011)
Pepper, Ancho 101 (Park 2009)
Pepper, Ancho Gigantea (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Pepper, Cayenne Long Thin (Baker Creek 2011)
Pepper, Corno Di Toro (Park 2011)
Pepper, Orange Bell (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Pepper, Orangesicle F1 (Park 2011)
Pepper, Pasilla Bajio (Baker Creek 2011)
Pepper, Purple Beauty (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Pepper, Sweet Spot XR F1 (Park, 2011)
Persimmon, Common (Sheffield 2009) -- happy to add this one gratis to any trade due to seed age
Runner Bean, Scarlet (saved 2012)
Sage, Culinary (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Sassafras (Sheffield 2009) -- happy to add this one gratis to any trade due to seed age
Savory, Summer (Seeds of Change 2008?, germination tested at 50% Jan 2012)
Spinach, New Zealand (Baker Creek 2011)
Spinach, Red Malabar (Baker Creek 2011)
Squash, Autumn Gold F1 (Park, 2011)
Squash, Cocozelle (Park 2011)
Squash, Bonbon (Park 2011)
Squash, Honey Bear (Park 2011)
Squash, Honey Nut (High Mowing 2011)
Squash, Kikuza (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Squash, Jarradale Pumpkin (Park 2009)
Squash, Orange Dawn F1 (Park 2010)
Squash, Small Sugar Pumpkin (SOC 2007)
Squash, Small Wonder F1 (Park 2011)
Squash, Sweet Reba (High Mowing, 2011)
Squash, Wood Prolific (SSE 2008, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Sunflower, dwarf mix (Park 2011)
Swiss Chard, Geneva (Park 2009?)
Tomato, Brandywine (Park 2012)
Tomato, Gold Medal (saved 2010)
Tomato, Keepsake Hybrid (Park ?)
Tomato, Pineapple (Park 2011)
Tomato, Spoon (Park 2011)
Tomato, Tomande (Park 2011)
Wormwood (Baker Creek 2011)
I am looking for these seeds in trade:
Basil, Sweet
Basil, Sacred aka Holy Basil (O. sanctum)
Corn, Fisher's Earliest
Horehound, White
Lettuce, any iceberg or romaine type
Peas, Amish Snap
Pepper, California Wonder
Pepper, Emerald Giant
Radishes, any red round variety
Squash, Chiriman
Squash, North Faukland Island
Squash, Nutterbutter
Squash, Seminole Pumpkin
Squash, Sweet Potato (C. moschata, not Ipomoea batatas)
Tomato, Cherokee Purple
Tomato, German Striped
As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness.
-Henry David Thoreau
Charlei Scott wrote:Would you be willing to trade sassafras, sage, scarlet runner, persimmon, orangesicle pepper, greensleeves cuc, and daylily for some sweet basil, chervil, lettuce (iceberg and romaine) and radishes if I have the round red ones like you want?
Let me know if you'd like more for that. Wish I had more on your wishlist.
Nicole Castle wrote:
Basil, Osmin (Park 2009)
Basil, Dark Opal (Park 2009)
Bean, Charlevoix (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Bean, Dragon's Tongue (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Bean, Tiger's Eye (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Bok Choi, Ching Chang (Baker Creek 2012)
Carrot, Parisienne (Baker Creek 2011)
Carrot, Jaune Obtuse Du Doubs (Baker Creek 2012)
Carrot, Shin Kuroda (Baker Creek 2011)
Cilantro (Seed Savers Exchange 2007)
Cilantro, Santo (saved 2011)
Cucumber, Double Yield (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Cucumber, Greensleeves F1 (Park 2009)
Cucumber, Parade (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Cumin (SSE 2007, germination tested at 50% Jan 2012)
Daylily, pinkish-purple (saved 2012)
Dill, Fernleaf (saved 2008 )
Dill, ? (saved 2011, large seeds on this one)
Fennel, Florence (SSE 2007, germination tested at 10% Jan 2012) -- happy to add this one gratis to any trade due to low germination
Feverfew (Baker Creek 2011)
Forget-Me-Not (? 2011)
Ground Cherry, Aunt Molly's (Baker Creek, 2011)
Melon, Charantais (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Melon, Kazakh (Baker Creek 2012)
Melon, Rich Sweetness 132 (Baker Creek 2012)
Mini Luffa Gourd (saved 2008, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Mizuna (Park 2011?)
Mustard, Yukina Savoy (High Mowing 2011)
Money Plant (saved from wild 2012)
Nasturtium, Black Velvet (SSE 2011, germination tested at 80% Jan 2012)
Oregano, Greek (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Ox-Eyed Daisy (? 2010, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Parsley, Triple Curled (SSE 2007, germination tested at 25% Jan 2012) -- happy to add this one gratis to any trade due to low germination
Pea, Blauschokkers (saved 2012)
Pea, Golden Sweet (SSE 2011)
Pepper, Ancho 101 (Park 2009)
Pepper, Ancho Gigantea (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Pepper, Cayenne Long Thin (Baker Creek 2011)
Pepper, Corno Di Toro (Park 2011)
Pepper, Orange Bell (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Pepper, Orangesicle F1 (Park 2011)
Pepper, Pasilla Bajio (Baker Creek 2011)
Pepper, Purple Beauty (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Pepper, Sweet Spot XR F1 (Park, 2011)
Persimmon, Common (Sheffield 2009) -- happy to add this one gratis to any trade due to seed age
Runner Bean, Scarlet (saved 2012)
Sage, Culinary (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Sassafras (Sheffield 2009) -- happy to add this one gratis to any trade due to seed age
Savory, Summer (Seeds of Change 2008?, germination tested at 50% Jan 2012)
Spinach, New Zealand (Baker Creek 2011)
Spinach, Red Malabar (Baker Creek 2011)
Squash, Autumn Gold F1 (Park, 2011)
Squash, Cocozelle (Park 2011)
Squash, Bonbon (Park 2011)
Squash, Honey Bear (Park 2011)
Squash, Honey Nut (High Mowing 2011)
Squash, Kikuza (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Squash, Jarradale Pumpkin (Park 2009)
Squash, Orange Dawn F1 (Park 2010)
Squash, Small Sugar Pumpkin (SOC 2007)
Squash, Small Wonder F1 (Park 2011)
Squash, Sweet Reba (High Mowing, 2011)
Squash, Wood Prolific (SSE 2008, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Sunflower, dwarf mix (Park 2011)
Swiss Chard, Geneva (Park 2009?)
Tomato, Brandywine (Park 2012)
Tomato, Gold Medal (saved 2010)
Tomato, Keepsake Hybrid (Park ?)
Tomato, Pineapple (Park 2011)
Tomato, Spoon (Park 2011)
Tomato, Tomande (Park 2011)
Wormwood (Baker Creek 2011)
I am looking for these seeds in trade:
Basil, Sweet
Basil, Sacred aka Holy Basil (O. sanctum)
Corn, Fisher's Earliest
Horehound, White
Lettuce, any iceberg or romaine type
Peas, Amish Snap
Pepper, California Wonder
Pepper, Emerald Giant
Radishes, any red round variety
Squash, Chiriman
Squash, North Faukland Island
Squash, Nutterbutter
Squash, Seminole Pumpkin
Squash, Sweet Potato (C. moschata, not Ipomoea batatas)
Tomato, Cherokee Purple
Tomato, German Striped
leila hamaya wrote:i have been wanting to get some day lilies,
also black nasturtiums, and purple peppers sound cool.
i have a LOT of seeds to trade....but not many from your wanted list...if theres some other stuff you might want....well probably i have something else you would want, but its tough to list everything.
i have cherry belle radish, another kind of very generic radish (no id, forgot, from garden- fresh), and some wild radish that i gathered recently.
.... several different kinds of lettuce, maybe have some iceberg? not sure on that, will check- but a lot of different kinds of lettuce.
if you like nasturtiums i have a lot of different kinds, orange(from garden), yellow(comm), jewel mix(comm) a few "vanilla"
edit to add this, havent been doing many trades lately, but i compiled a list here and did a lot of good trades at garden web earlier this year
maybe theres something else there you would want.
As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness.
-Henry David Thoreau
"We're all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder."-Rumi
"It's all one song!" -Neil Young
As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness.
-Henry David Thoreau
Nicole Castle wrote:
Basil, Osmin (Park 2009)
Basil, Dark Opal (Park 2009)
Bean, Charlevoix (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Bean, Dragon's Tongue (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Bean, Tiger's Eye (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Bok Choi, Ching Chang (Baker Creek 2012)
Carrot, Parisienne (Baker Creek 2011)
Carrot, Jaune Obtuse Du Doubs (Baker Creek 2012)
Carrot, Shin Kuroda (Baker Creek 2011)
Cilantro (Seed Savers Exchange 2007)
Cilantro, Santo (saved 2011)
Cucumber, Double Yield (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Cucumber, Greensleeves F1 (Park 2009)
Cucumber, Parade (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Cumin (SSE 2007, germination tested at 50% Jan 2012)
Daylily, pinkish-purple (saved 2012)
Dill, Fernleaf (saved 2008 )
Dill, ? (saved 2011, large seeds on this one)
Fennel, Florence (SSE 2007, germination tested at 10% Jan 2012) -- happy to add this one gratis to any trade due to low germination
Feverfew (Baker Creek 2011)
Forget-Me-Not (? 2011)
Ground Cherry, Aunt Molly's (Baker Creek, 2011)
Melon, Charantais (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Melon, Kazakh (Baker Creek 2012)
Melon, Rich Sweetness 132 (Baker Creek 2012)
Mini Luffa Gourd (saved 2008, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Mizuna (Park 2011?)
Mustard, Yukina Savoy (High Mowing 2011)
Money Plant (saved from wild 2012)
Nasturtium, Black Velvet (SSE 2011, germination tested at 80% Jan 2012)
Oregano, Greek (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Ox-Eyed Daisy (? 2010, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Parsley, Triple Curled (SSE 2007, germination tested at 25% Jan 2012) -- happy to add this one gratis to any trade due to low germination
Pea, Blauschokkers (saved 2012)
Pea, Golden Sweet (SSE 2011)
Pepper, Ancho 101 (Park 2009)
Pepper, Ancho Gigantea (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Pepper, Cayenne Long Thin (Baker Creek 2011)
Pepper, Corno Di Toro (Park 2011)
Pepper, Orange Bell (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Pepper, Orangesicle F1 (Park 2011)
Pepper, Pasilla Bajio (Baker Creek 2011)
Pepper, Purple Beauty (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Pepper, Sweet Spot XR F1 (Park, 2011)
Persimmon, Common (Sheffield 2009) -- happy to add this one gratis to any trade due to seed age
Runner Bean, Scarlet (saved 2012)
Sage, Culinary (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Sassafras (Sheffield 2009) -- happy to add this one gratis to any trade due to seed age
Savory, Summer (Seeds of Change 2008?, germination tested at 50% Jan 2012)
Spinach, New Zealand (Baker Creek 2011)
Spinach, Red Malabar (Baker Creek 2011)
Squash, Autumn Gold F1 (Park, 2011)
Squash, Cocozelle (Park 2011)
Squash, Bonbon (Park 2011)
Squash, Honey Bear (Park 2011)
Squash, Honey Nut (High Mowing 2011)
Squash, Kikuza (SSE 2007, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Squash, Jarradale Pumpkin (Park 2009)
Squash, Orange Dawn F1 (Park 2010)
Squash, Small Sugar Pumpkin (SOC 2007)
Squash, Small Wonder F1 (Park 2011)
Squash, Sweet Reba (High Mowing, 2011)
Squash, Wood Prolific (SSE 2008, germination tested at ~100% Jan 2012)
Sunflower, dwarf mix (Park 2011)
Swiss Chard, Geneva (Park 2009?)
Tomato, Brandywine (Park 2012)
Tomato, Gold Medal (saved 2010)
Tomato, Keepsake Hybrid (Park ?)
Tomato, Pineapple (Park 2011)
Tomato, Spoon (Park 2011)
Tomato, Tomande (Park 2011)
Wormwood (Baker Creek 2011)
I am looking for these seeds in trade:
Basil, Sweet
Basil, Sacred aka Holy Basil (O. sanctum)
Corn, Fisher's Earliest
Horehound, White
Lettuce, any iceberg or romaine type
Peas, Amish Snap
Pepper, California Wonder
Pepper, Emerald Giant
Radishes, any red round variety
Squash, Chiriman
Squash, North Faukland Island
Squash, Nutterbutter
Squash, Seminole Pumpkin
Squash, Sweet Potato (C. moschata, not Ipomoea batatas)
Tomato, Cherokee Purple
Tomato, German Striped
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