Yes, the pond will be in the front of the property where there is already a fairly deep concave to the land right there. We will also be putting a tiny home on the right hand side of the property not 100% sure where yet but the gray water from that will go to the pond and we will plant
alot of shade around it to try and prevent evaporation.
Some of the vegetation is mesquite but unfortunately most of the trees have been choked out by desert mistletoe. The ones that are still alive I'm going to cut the mistletoe and i hope they bounce back. 90% of the vegetation is creosote bushes.
I just moved to Avra Valley but I've been living in Mesa Arizona for the past 10 years, and I didn't know about that park so I will have to check that our.
But I'm still not sure what earth works will work well for the area with the main house and driveway built up causing a man made hill. I'm not sure if the contour lines from the picture above will apply well to it our if I
should try and do contour around the hill like the natural wash is doing. Any advice is helpful, Thank you.