I've been trying a lot of food plot experiments over the past few years and for this one to work in my climate I think I'd need to establish a warm season perennial food plot and then when that went dormant in the fall I'd plant a cool season annual food plot over it. That way the species are growing at different times of the year and are not completing for the same resources. I chose to do annuals for the cool season and perennials for the warm season because according to colin you want to grow the perennials during the harsher season because they have
roots that can reach moisture deep
underground when it hasn't rained very much. And annuals have much shallower roots so they need pretty good growing conditions and relatively high moisture. In my area we have wet winters and relatively dry summers so I would want to use perennials during the summer. Buckwheat is a warm season annual so that's why I didn't include it in my list but otherwise I agree it would be a good option for a different climate.
And I wouldn't have a money making crop. The deer would be the wealth I'm trying to generate as it would fill my freezer and provide food for my family so we wouldn't need to buy meat from the store as much. But yeah I think Colin is pretty brilliant and I'd highly recommend people check out his presentations if you're interested in this kind of stuff.