I planted a wonderful pomegranate a week ago. It seemed healthy
enough, though the planting seemed to stress it a bit (the leaves looked a bit wilted, but nothing serious). Then, over the last two days we've had very heavy rains (three inches hit my
yard) sometimes very hard, sometimes very light, but pretty much non stop.
Once the storm blew over, I went out to inspect things, and to my horror saw that my pomegranate is now mostly bare sticks, with perfectly fine looking green leaves piled at it's base. Needless to say, it is the only tree in my yard that had this happen.
Is this...normal somehow? Is it way more stressed than I thought? I know pomegranates are more happy with dry conditions, could the transplanting shock plus the sudden storm have done it in? Is there anything I can do to help it?
Should I remove those leaves in case of disease?