So far my favorite mulch is living much. I have been having good luck just crowding so much in, there isn't much room for weeds, and the soil is covered helping with evaporated. I have a few beds that have a bunch of stuff reseed, so it's almost at there. But some of the newer beds have veggies just starting, so there's a lot of bare soil. There's not many weeds, but it gets dry very fast.
I have been thinking about a thin layer of shredded
cardboard. Part of me thinks no I have heard bad stuff about the glue in cardboard. But I do put shredded cardboard in my
compost, and in the worm bin, so what is the difference? Our family orders to much from Amazon. I bought a heavy duty shredder, and shred the boxes. So it's free, and uses something that would other wise be trash.
I'm an organic gardener. I plant organic seeds and seedlings, I do my best to build amazing soil, so I don't really need to fertilize, and I don't even use organic pesticides. I have used my worm casting, but I haven't used my own compost yet. So I just wonder if using cardboard is at odds with everything else I'm doing.
Has anyone done this before? If so what did you think?