I have a couple silly questions! In the past our composting was always just done in a big pile somewhere out of the way, because we lived out in the country and that worked fine. Now however, we have moved into a neighborhood. We have limited useable space in the back
yard and a lot of shade. The previous owners left a pen of sorts that was probably used for
chickens or
rabbits for 4h, and I'd like to take that and convert it to a composting area. It would be large
enough to have 3 piles going at once. My question is... it is somewhat shady, will that affect how hot my pile gets?
My second question is this... I'd like to put in a garden next year. The problem is that usable ground is again a problem. We live in the middle of cranberry bogs so I am concerned about pesticide runoff, there is also a huge drainage ditch running along one side of the property which I'm sure has added all kinds of awful stuff to the ground. The only real spot I have sits on top of the drainage field for our septic tank. Any ideas of any kind of raised beds I could put in that would be economical as well as not allowing any of the yuckies in the ground to contaminate the produce? Or am I just being overly paranoid?
Any tips would be greatly appreciated!!