what is the heat riser height? it
should be around 40 inches for a 6 inch system.
burn tunnel length should be as short as you can make it and still be able to remove the first bridge brick with ease.
how well is the heat riser insulated? in very small systems you need very good insulation around the burn tunnel and heat riser. if you think of the scale a smaller
RMH tends to loose heat faster than a large one (more surface area exposed for the size)
so you need better insulation than are normally used.
you will also need to make the CSA the same throughout the system, larger CSA in the heat riser and burn tunnel menas it will try to draw in air but will not be able to because the volume is then restricted by the small CSA in the ducting. Essentially you have made yourself a problem; not unfix-able but definitely one to watch out for in the future.
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