I just bought this old travel trailer frame. It's 22x8. Planning to make a small 8x6 porch on the tongue end and dry-in the rest with a "barn" roof with a small loft. I will then pull it back in the woods to use as a getaway cabin. I have built a few buildings, including my house and place of business, but have never built anything on a trailer before. In my sketch, I have 2x4's laid crossways on the trailer, anchored to the outriggers, for floor joists. Why 2x4's? For weight and height considerations, and because it seems that is the way the floor might have originally been built. They only need to span about 5'9'' between those main I-beams and would be laid 16'' on center with 3/4'' plywood over that. If that's wrong I would like some input on that. Because I'm not aware of how the stresses of pulling this thing down the road (if I need to do that someday) would affect this. I'm also considering using pressure treated for the joists and plywood because we have carpenter
bees here. Thanks