Hi folks,
I've been trying to figure this out and not got very far. I'd like to establish a mixed fruiting hedge of around 100m with mostly berries (redcurrants, gooseberries, blackcurrants etc...) along a fenceline boundary to a neighbouring crop field. To buy the plants from a grower is stupidly expensive (I'd probably end up paying £1000 for potted plants!). Ideally I'd like to get a whole bunch of scion
wood over the winter and simply strike hardwood cuttings in situ. I'd probably want around 200 stems total.
Trouble is I can't seem to find anyone who deals in wood in this way.
I struck a few cuttings this spring and had an 80% success rate outdoors, just in pots with some potting mix and sand. Unfortunately I just don't have
enough mature plants to provide scion wood myself, or a sufficient mix of varities to provide staggered fruiting through the summer.
My options, as I see them are:
Take a walk through a commercial plantation with a pair of secateurs and a plastic bagGradually expand my stock of plants over the next 5 years or so and establish the hedge in stagesbuy rooted cuttings from a grower (expensive)find a supplier of scion wood (probably still fairly expensive, but a lot cheaper than rooted cuttings)Wander the neighbourhood over the next month or so scoping out gardens with bushes - come back and ask them in the autumn for their prunings.
I guess one major advantage of buying plants is that I will know exactly what cultivars I'm getting, so can both plan fruit succession through the summer and possibly propagate more to sell/give away.
Any thoughts on the above?