This year pack rats ate the tops off all my beets so I harvested a bit early, fortunately I have a fresh truckload of
wood chips and was able to bin them up buried in sawdust. I've placed them in the garage, but I'm concerned about moisture Content? In the past I've sometimes stored beets and Company wrapped in damp
newspaper in a sealed plastic bin. There's often a dance of having not
enough moisture that the newspaper rots, but also not leaving it to breathe too much for things to dry out.
Every time I walk by the bin now, I consider watering it to keep the wood chips damp. For reference, in the winter our garage usually sits between 10 and 15% humidity. Anyone have
experience with storing vegetables long-term in such conditions? I just purchased 50 pounds of potatoes for the winter, and I'd like to store them in chips too...