A. M. Watters wrote:So, I'm a composting n00b and we put a bunch of what we thought was dead Bermuda grass in our new compost bin...and now it's growing. Damn zombie grass! I was planning on using this compost in a new keyhole garden bed in the spring...but this grass is intractable. What should I do? Dump it out somewhere and start over? Put it in the very bottom of a hugelkulture? See if the nuclear waste people can take it off my hands?
"Zombie Grass" - truer words have never been spoken!!
I have fought the "Battle of Bermuda" for 15 years now and I STILL have some that sneaks in as spies under my
fence from the neighbors (by stolon and rhizome) or parachutes in from the neighbors down the street who don't mow it frequently enough to take down the seed heads..... It's enough to make you crazy.
I've tried:
--digging it out
--solarizing it during summer
--getting it growing really well and then spraying with Roundup (see my increasing desperation here) - then bioremediating with uptake plants (chard in my case) - only to have to repeat the process.
I've made the mistake of putting it into compost bins (where it lies dormant until I spread the compost out) and I thougth to mulch with some dried Bermuda once upon a time that I thought was surely dead as it had been sitting in an open black garbage can for months. It grew back.
I have heard of people being successful with Jeanine's method before although I have not tried it. Burning it would probably work too but I know in my area, due to air pollution, burning is not an option.
Bermuda is designed to survive no matter what you do to it. Don't
water it and it simply delves deeper. My neighbor found Bermuda
roots down the 10 ft when she had her pool dug. There are other reports of finding them at 30 ft.
My own personal choice is to throw out any Bermuda I may come across in my
yard. I hate to, as I am big into taking responsibility for your own waste stream but I've been burned by the "zombie grass" too many times to trust it hanging around! One thing it doesn't seem to like is shade.
I'm convinced, that in the end times, cockroaches, twinkies and Bermuda grass will rule the planet.