Thanks for the links, both are great... and VERMIPONICS!!! (which can be found at the redwormcomposting site) Wow! Some people are so clever, that is something I am definitely going to keep my eye on as the inventor says it is still in prototype phase.
What I am doing, well I am in Europe right now travelling around living and working at various eco-projects. I will be going next week to Belgium next week for a 6 weeks to help a guy build his low-impact/strawbale dwelling - - Very interesting website (lots in english) describing his difficult journey and his vision. So I want, as a side
project, to build him a vermicomposter while I'm there. I think, in keeping with the spirit of the place I will build it using small diameter
wood found in the surrounding forrest. But other than that I have never done this before a want something attractive ie: no or as little plastic as possible yet low maintenance.