I hope this is the correct section to put this in, but it looks good to me. I am working on getting our home setup to be
energy independent (meaning it won't have any energy costs). I have been working on this goal for a couple years now, and have just made a
video of my progress so far.
I also have a website that describes what I am doing
Plans I have beyond what I have done so far is to put up
hot water solar panels to heat my
hot water during the summer, add a second array of grid tie panels with battery backup, add an attached green house onto my house so I can have fresh vegetables year around, and grow
trees around my property to supply my
wood for my wood boiler (I plan on growing 3-4 rows poplars close together around the boarder of my property). I think this
should be
enough wood to keep me in supply...
Some other thought I have been considering in the future for fun:
1- replace my wood boiler with a true
wood gasifier that runs a gen set to produce power. The waste heat from the
water cooled engine and exhaust will be used to heat the hot water.
2- I would like to see if I can make a digester to produce methane, and convert my electric range and
dryer over to running on methane.
So far what I have done is very exciting and has been working extremely well. My power bill has gone down from $200-300 per month to $30-$50 per month, and should be down to zero or even getting paid by the power company when I am done. I have received a lot of help on these forums while building my wood boiler, so I would like to share what I have done here and would like to know if anyone had any suggestions or thoughts on what I am doing.
Thanks for reading.