this probably is the wrong forum, but its the closest i can find in terms of relevance to this topic, but i am constantly on the lookout for roadkill critters.
whether fresh and intact, or dried out and smashed, the carcasses of accidentally killed animals are still useful as a source of hides and usable meat for the fresher ones and the more rotten among them can still yield fascinatingly beautiful bones and skulls which can be carved into beads or simple tools, or make lovely decorations in their own right.
since i was a little kid i've spent many hours looking for bones in the woods and along roads and in ditches, within the last year i've started upping my game to gathering roadkill as i find it. im now teaching myself to tan hides, and use every part of the animals i find from flesh to fat to sinew and bone.
im a
city girl who doesn't come from an outdoorsy family so i'm self taught or book/internet taught with regards to the finer points of animal processing, but ive found i love the taste of squirrel, but am still working on liking the taste of possum. the idea of taking an animals life is a hard pill to swallow for me (im just one of those people) but scavenging from the already dead has been an important stepping stone for me as i learn to throw away societies yoke and learn to fend for myself.
i would like to learn to hunt and fish for my nourishment someday, but until i develop the strength of spirit necessary to take another life, i'm more than happy scavenging