I am wondering what Queen Anne's Lace indicates about soil and what I could do about it, if it is even necessary.
I graze a small number (2 for most of the season, but 3 to 4 for brief periods) of
cattle on about 5 acres of pasture. I rotate them every one or two days and
feed hay in times of drought and in the winter. Starting last year, I have been grazing the grass taller than I had been, in order to build up more organic material on the ground. Three years ago we had a very bad drought.
Last year and this year, starting in mid summer, I have seen a Very Large amount of QAL growing almost everywhere in the pasture. The cattle (Scottish Highlanders) don't really eat it and I'd rather have more things growing that they like.
The history of the soil is that it was mono-cropped from time immemorial until we bought it in 1998. I let it go to field and just mowed it a couple times a year for about 10 years and started grazing cattle about six years ago. It has improved every year, but this recent turn doesn't seem positive.
Do any of you have
experience with this?
I did read the following, but am hoping for more specific answers: