I've just started helping a lady at work, going to do a pathway and then a few plantings in the Spring.
They had previously had her front yard scraped to bare dirt by a landscaping/
lawn care company that did her husband's company's site. They haven't seeded it yet, and won't/can't now until Spring (still got the full bill). What are some hints I can give to her for building some soil health before reseeding? Never started from scratch before.
Zone 5a/b with well drained loamy soil. On west side of house, shaded (haven't seen the
trees yet, so I don't know the species)
I am thinking shredded leaves and purchased
compost (I don't have
enough to share), maybe partially turned in with a fork. I don't want to disturb any remaining soil life but I imagine it's pretty well had it anyway. If I apply now, would these inhibit seed germination in the Spring since they probably won't be fully composted by then? Then compost tea at seeding time to inoculate some soil life, or
should we wait on that until the grass is growing pretty well? Thinking about putting in some worm holes too with an auger and filling with a leaf/compost mix.