My current "lawn area" is a mix of various grasses and weeds. Some areas of the
yard the sod is extremely dense (it is hard to push a shovel into it and even difficult to push a mower over it). Eventually, I will be establishing some hugelbed/berms but for now, I'm want to just work on soil building here plus growing fodder/hay for my
rabbits. So, I want a mix of
perennial rye, clovers,
dandelions, HealAll, and other edible weeds. But, before I just start tossing out a huge amount of seeds, I was wondering if there is something I can do to weaken the existing sod to give the new seed a fighting chance (without having to get a sod cutter to remove it)? Or, am I not giving these seeds
enough credit?
Also, when is a good time to start seeding? (After last frost date or N weeks before or whenever)