I was actually looking at Rife last night. It looks like they can take water from a stream and move it up nearly 100ft. I was thinking perhaps a dam could be created and allow the water to fall out of the dam through a ram pump to get it the rest of the way to the top of the property. There is a fairly sizable valley that all the water from the potential property/surrounding areas flows into (and then into the river)-- this could be a pretty ideal place for a few acre dam.
I would like to keep the majority of the infrastructure on the property as low tech as possible.
That being said, I work with technology and data all the time. My long term plans would be to install raspberry pi sensors (or something low watt with sensor/wifi) to monitor soil moisture, humidity, and air flow at set intervals throughout the property just to
feed my need for information and perhaps use that data to show before/after impacts of different projects.
Thanks for all the suggestions! Look forward to continue engaging in the community here.