elle sagenev wrote:Don't do it! Guineas are satans birds! lol Like feathered dinosaurs.
experience? We loved guineas for the short time we had them........we both have a little hearing loss and a large property so what everyone said about the noise didn't bother us here......they did peck around all day and when I had them in the garden I am pretty positive they ate squash bugs. They were smart
enough to learn to come in to 'roost' in a safe place in the evening and we shut them up til morning. They weren't smart enough to not let dogs/coyotes, etc walk up and kill them. They got very disoriented in the snow also and one night couldn't find their way back....we saw fox tracks the next day and piles of feathers.
I always thought they looked like that penguin in Wallace and Grommet.......can't remember which film. When we were down to just two, the one started getting really protective of the other (we never knew which was male or female). I would love to have them again but we would just be feeding the wildlife here:(
"We're all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder."-Rumi
"It's all one song!" -Neil Young