thread is for all of us who have come home with a new-found enthusiasm for
permaculture, to be greeted by our partner/spouse/significant other with a "yes dear" or "whatever, but don't tear up the grass" response to our dreams of dredging the
yard for swales, planting 27 new kinds of strange foodstuffs, and a long list of of "honey-dos."
MY DH has been great, actually, but he will be the first to admit that I'm leading the charge while he is busy being a famous scientist in his world. So sometimes the communications get disconnected. Just last weekend, I asked him to plant the tomatoes I'd raised from seedlings. He loves tomatoes and happily set off. We have three beds with trellises that I rotate between peas & beans, cucumbers and tomatoes. We have had a ton of rain and little time to weed, and have remnant alfalfa everywhere, so he gets out the weedwacker to clear things off. I'm in a different part of the garden planting basil. You see where this is going right? I look up just in time to see him finish string trimming the happy to have room for all the tomatoes. What could I say?
(Remember the old political joke about inside words and outside words-there's a lot to be said for marital harmony in mastering the difference)
What I ended up saying, after explaining what he had done, was that I always wanted to try fall peas and that they'd probably work better with our long fall weather.
Your turn to share the comic, bewildering or sublime stories of converting your life partner to this crazy lifestyle called