Owner, Etta Place Cider
Chris Badgett
Cocreator of Organic Life Guru. Have you seen what's happening over there?
"You must be the change you want to see in the world." "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi
"Preach the Gospel always, and if necessary, use words." --Francis of Assisi.
"Family farms work when the whole family works the farm." -- Adam Klaus
Idle dreamer
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elle sagenev wrote:I find it immensely sad that so many of you find Facebook to be a negative site. It is a tool, nothing more and nothing less. .
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Craig Dobbelyu wrote:I can roll with that metaphor for a bit. Though I have never been on face book, I can say that I've played so many parts in so many different "orchestras" that I've come to some fair understanding and expectations within that framework.
Online profiles are NOT people. They are self-edited streams of data that people create for an audience.
These profiles can't be "friends". The physical person that creates the profile could be a friend if you ever met but until then...
Liking, friending or following does nothing... nothing. Unless the data is useful to you in a tangible way.
Not everything lasts forever... People change and group dynamics fluctuate, always. Sometimes you're the odd one out and you must find a new group to play with. Don't take it personally. If you're the smart one in a group of morons, you're still the odd duck out.
There are assholes everywhere. I always thought -upon joining a new group- that "this group of folks is completely awesome... all of them". Never turned out to be the case. There's a douche in every group. ID and avoid if possible. Move on when they start to multiply and don't bring any of them with you to the new group.
When you outgrow a group, leave politely and honestly. Don't give people a reason to troll you.
I guess all of this applies online as well as off to some degree or another. People are tough... forget about groups of them. It's better to move on while you still have the energy and try not to carry too much of the resentment with you to the new group.
Doing something worthwhile and productive always make you feel good. Don't let people get in the way of that.
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this also applies to the perceptual data gathered in face to face interactions.Unless the data is useful to you in a tangible way.
Idle dreamer
"You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result”
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