not sure if I have this in the correct forum
this past 2 years I dug holes by certain plants and buried an upside down gallon
milk jug with the bottom cut off and a few rocks in it . This is to decrease surface evaporation to try and get the limited
water I get to apply to the cooler soil 6-10" down
I hate having the plastic in the
I was wondering if any one had tried filling holes or narrow trenches with composted
wood chips or other materials that would allow water to quickly go down toward the
roots and be a
compost type item that will eventually enrich the soil I have access to many cubic yards of 2 year old partially composted ramial wood chips from areal tree trimmings
In my mind I am thinking of just putting the shovel in straight down a bout 10 inches from where I will set the plants and just rocking the shovel back and forth to make a V in the soil to fill with chips
I could also use 1/2 finished compost and 1/2 wood chip waste with the idea the compost would help enrich the soil
Am I crazy ! July and august can be brutal on the plants but we have watering bans where we can only use a hand held hose certain hours and sprinklers are not allowed
I am not even sure what to call this I am sure some one has made this type of quick soak water trap before