I'll tell you a little story, similar to yours.
When Ron and I first got married and bought this property, my FIL owned it and was building a home next door to it. There were only about a half dozen
trees here and I am a tree lover so I was planting trees, shrubs, flowers, anything I could beg borrow or steal cuttings of.
I would take stakes and ribbons and mark everything, or put wire around them to mark them when I would transplant them..even had a couple dozen sprouted acorns from my sister's home and planted those in a row across our front
Well we were not aware that my FIL was coming down with Alzheimers at the time so I couldn't figure if he just hated me, was jealous or didn't want me planting things in my yard..but he had a riding lawnmower and he would come over once a week and mow down every single tree or plant that I put in..every one..
I cried and cried and cried.
Finally I saved up
enough $ to put in the lattice
fence that you see in the photos of my front yard in the blog (by my signature)..and then I planted the trees on both sides of the lattice
fence putting heavy wire cages around them with real steel stakes..now you can se I have trees growing up.
Eventually he got too ill to use the riding mower, and I was able to realize he had been sick and forgive him..but early on I was convinced he hated me..and maybe he did..but now I'm dealing with his son pulling up my plants..what goes around, comes around i guess.
they say alzheimers may be heridetary so there is a good chance that on top of the head injury Ron may be coming down with that as well..but the short term memory loss has been getting worse since his head injury # 1 in 1985 when he went through the windshield in a head on accident(not his faul) and # 2 when he fell off the ladder in 2002 and landed on his head..several smaller head injuries after that when he either hit his head or things fell on him and hit his head..he is now mentally and physially disabled from the head injury and other physical problems