Been puzzled lately with applying my latest homebrew mold spray (basically borax and boric acid boiled in ethylene glycol antifreeze---a recipe for homemade Bora-Care I found on line) in our crawl space. In the dampest parts of this space it looks like mold is actually growing MORE in the areas I applied the spray than elsewhere. I'm realizing that this mixture is even more hygroscopic than plain borax in
water, and I wonder if this triggers the mold to make one last attempt at spore formation before dying. When I've applied the mixture to repair timbers outside the house before placement, the stuff does seem to dry and crystallize, albeit quite slowly compared to borax in water whether hot or cold. I quit with the spray and am ventilating the crawl space in dry weather with a fan in one of the vents, and will observe again's been a couple of weeks. Sprays of plain borax in water, or hot borax water applied with a brush, don't have this effect. I really want to perfect a spray mixture....really don't want to have to crawl under there with buckets of hot borax water....since I know this will cool and clog the sprayer before a tank is done..