I need a cover that I can sow in July . July 1-20 is usually when the last cultivation is done to corn in my area. At this intraval there are 3-5 months left in the wet season. I need to establish a cover during this window and have it survive into the dry season. I also need to be able to harvest the cover crop as
feed for livestock. I grew a species of vicia known locally as "evo
de invierno" last year but, an early frost killed it and made me look like an idiot. I am going to try it again but I'd rather try something that can take the frost and the drought. I have observed a wild species of flower that is winter active and enjoyed by livestock but it seems to grow more one year and less another. I still have no seed sample for this species due to my former ignorance.
This topic is of crutial importance to the Central Mexican Platue and many other areas of the world. What cover to grow and how to get the seeds to the masses. Yet the Gov'nt agricultural athority has done nothing to address the issue. I know it's not exactly
permaculture that I'm talking about here but we have to start somewhere right?