First they said it was Spanish cucumbers and now german bean sprouts.
I saw a documentary about North Corea that took me right out of my comfort zone. One thing that they did to poltical prisoners acording to a woman who denounced the regime to those who made the program, political prisioners means poor folk they thought weren't communist
enough, was to poison them with lettuce leaves as a experiment in biological warfare. The woman who told the story said that she had to go through a room giving lettuce leaves to all the people present and before she left she saw the people bleading from all their orifices at least those connected to the digestive system. That is what this type of e coli tha has been killing people in germany is meant to do to people. I saw several documentaries on Niorth Corea in one night, as far as I can remember and one at anyrate was a documentary by Spanish journalists.
The other horrible story was that the prision guards were experimenting with a family killing off the whole family if i remember right with some lillness, when they saw that the parents tried to help their ill child were suprised, they had imagined this sort of ememy of the people were totally heartless. The mind is strange you can persuade one set of people that another set that in theory has different political veiws, is not human. agri
rose macaskie.