John LaFinch

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since May 24, 2012
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Recent posts by John LaFinch

Larry Foster wrote:Our biggest draw back has been land prices. I am 49. She is 43. Both capable, energetic and resourceful. We are steady. From gardening, permaculture to fabricating and engeniring just about everthing from pyrolisis towers to hydrolectric and just about any wish. No drugs, hard working, have truck, trailer, all the tools to build anything but a tractor. 515-525-1486 Foster, sir. My mame is Lawrence Foster.

I PMed you.
1 month ago
Sounds like a good opportunity for someone.
4 months ago

Gary Matthews wrote:Hello Gary
      My name is also Gary. My girlfriend an I have a 16 foot camper we are living in an we have two dogs that are very friendly . We are currently I a situation were we have to find somewhere to move our camper two. An I also need work. If you have something that would help us out I'd be very grateful. I am an old country boy who is very familiar with farm work. My number is 2702185066 thank you .

Hi Gary,

This is a updated quote from another of my posts.

{As an update to this post, I would like to say that I have been harvesting logs from our woodlot and am looking for someone who would be interested in making and marketing rustic furniture, cabinet tops, and signs. If you have an aptitude for this type of joint venture, contact me. }

I currently have another individual who helps with my farm needs and he is very dependable. I would only be looking for someone to specialize in the marketing and building items out of our harvested wood. The individual would have to provide their own income until income can be realized from the wood products.
9 months ago

Karen Lee Mack wrote:I wanted to update that we are still working on this and currently investigating how to set it up in order to protect everyone involved.

I have one serious taker that we are emailing back and forth on what our objectives would be.

If you are looking for beautiful lush area to homestead, it doesn't get much better than SW Georgia.

You just have to be able to handle rural redneck American community lol!

Hi Karen,

I'm wanting my response to come across as gentle and friendly. Your comment on being able to handle the redneck community strikes me as maybe you are wanting start your own community among an established community with negative opinions of the current residents. The "redneck" community, like any other group of people, have individuals who are distinctly different from other members of their community. They are not all the same.

Over 40 years ago, I was part of the "back to the land" movement of the peace and love generation of hippies. I traveled to 44 states looking for the right combination of privacy and economic opportunity to raise my family. I found it in rural KY among "rednecks". I was an outsider who didn't resemble or act like the residents. One fellow even asked me "what are you?" He was perplexed by my swarthy complexion and accent since I was from the upper peninsula of Michigan. I was as much of an outsider as the community had ever seen up to that time.

I had to earn respect in the community based on hard work and honesty. My children who were born here would always be considered outsiders to some because they don't have a generational pedigree in the community.

I found that when I moved here to go back to the land, the rural residents had never left the land and I had much to learn from the local residents. My notion of rural life came from Mother Earth News and Organic Gardening magazines. There were no computers to add confusion to my need to gather information about living a rural lifestyle. After I bought my piece of land I found that a serious immersion with an obsession to homesteading brought hard fought success after much error caused by my preconceived notions of what the lifestyle would be.

I found that the locals who lived on the land knew what to grow and what would succeed in the micro-climate of the area. In my readings, I thought I could grow whatever I wanted because that's what they told me in the magazines. I didn't realize how one must work within the confines of individual soil types and micro-climates. What I learned from the locals gave me experience from which to grow and work with the challenges that the magazines never taught me. Experience allowed me to experiment more and have many successes in gardening and survival. It takes years of real experience on the land to establish a base of knowledge for success. Clicking on the computer increases computer skills. The computer doesn't really prepare you for the mistakes that you will make every day in the real world of homesteading.

The new generation of back to the landers that I have met come with the attitude that they have a head full of knowledge that will make them succeed and a sense of arrogance that they know more than the rednecks around them. My feeling is that for a new community to survive alongside, or within, an established community, the newcomers much strive to gain the respect of the existing residents. I think to gain respect you must treat others with respect. Going in with  an attitude that you may have something to learn from the previous generations that have survived in the local area  would serve you well in an a place that you would like to make a home for you and your future generations.

I hope this speech from an old man doesn't leave you offended.
1 year ago
As an update to this post, I would like to say that I have been harvesting logs from our woodlot and am looking for someone who would be interested in making and marketing rustic furniture, cabinet tops, and signs. If you have an aptitude for this type of joint venture, contact me.
2 years ago
AJ, Did you get my response to your recent PM to me? PM me again and I'll send my email address. Gary
2 years ago
Many trees are sensitive to the length of days and nights and may not thrive very well out of their zone, even if the temperature is sufficient.
4 years ago
Are the bodies to be composted checked for transmissible diseases that could infect employees? What assurances can be given that the work place will be safe?
4 years ago
We wash and reuse our zip lock bags. While we were doing dishes the other night, my wife brought it to my attention that the bag she was washing had the date on it of 2007. We had no idea that we were THAT bad.
5 years ago