Alyssa Miller

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since Feb 27, 2013
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My nesting boxes are set up so that they'd have a hard time kicking it out. How are your nesting boxes set up? Perhaps your gals have decided their pampered behinds prefer a softer material to lay in? Straw is definitely more rough to sit on than hay, but a thick layer of shredded paper is even more cushy.

I use a combination of hay and shredded paper, because I notice my hens end up pushing all the hay up the sides of the nesting box, exposing the bottom. Adding shredded paper has definitely helped with that and they seem to like it better.
12 years ago
This is an older post, but for future reference, I thought I'd chime in where I get organic, GMO-free rabbit feed. Countryside Organics in Virginia sells it and I know they will ship their products. Shipping definitely adds to the cost, but depending on where you live, it might not be too bad. If you buy in bulk and start a local co-op, it could be cost efficient for you, because then they can ship it on a truck. This all depends on where you're having it shipped to, but it wouldn't hurt to give them a call to see if they can be of some help to you.
12 years ago