So I`ve been thinking about 250' of fencing for deer, visual blockage of road and chickens. After some searching I stuble across the UK fascination with Willow fedges. They grow out of 2' or 6' cuttings that are anywhere from $.30 - $1.50 per un-rooted cutting.
They also seem super easy to plant and grow extremely quick. I am thinking of growing them with 1' spacing into a diamond pattern and starting with 6' cuttings, that plant 1' deep.
The only nursery in Michigan that I found it they sell a hybrid Salix.
1. Does anyone have any experience with doing this. My main questions are if the 1' spacing is good, or if I should go closer. I am worried about the final thickness of the stems in 5 years. I can`t find any reference on that.
2. I heard about some people making container gardens out of these two, by growing a wall the shape of the grow bed and filling it up with dirt. My question there is, will the willow sides start grafting new roots into the bed and competing with the vegetables ?
The picture I found shows the start of it. Not sure what the results were. I found it on