A. Ana

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since Jan 25, 2017
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In a few months we move to the forest... and i know nothing!!!
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hi, how you heat up? a wood stove and pumps? work without electrical power?
8 years ago

marcus sesbury wrote:

liam loftus wrote:


Hi there Liam,will it be available at another time do you think to buy or rent? Thanks for the link btw regards Marcus

You still looking? Asturias (all galicia), cantabria, north of burgos and pais vasco have similar climate zone and  similiar two plants rustic stone houses in lands of 4000-20000m2.
Galicia is farther of big cities, aeroports and europe
Cantabria have more plagues, like asian besp, tick, acacia, cortaderia selloana (we choose cantabria for us, and we want neighbours permacultores!
North burgos is colder
Pais vasco is more expensive (but sooo beautiful! And really good cities

Look for  "cabaña pasiega", in cantabria you NEED to check that the cabin is included in the "catalogo de edificaciones rusticas municipal" if you want taller roof(in vega de pas they  dont have  one)
Starting from 7mil euros one 80m2 stone cabin in one 10000m2 land (but 25000€ give you more options, more sun and less slope). Almost every seller ask 60000 or 100000€ At foreigner but is not the final price.

Have luck
8 years ago
sorry but my english is not good enough for this.

google traslation

With the semi-underground walls there is not option but drainage ditch
1. To dig around (if semi subterranea cava around the pair of walls that are under the ridge, if not therefore the side from where there are indications of streams to divert them),
2. retaining stone wall,
3. cover the trench so that it does not fill with snow (or your children fall) with ridiculously large and expensive slabs,
You may not have sufficient depth of foundation for the drainage ditch and that you touch deeper ... so much fun!

To us they have recommended that we do NOT happen to fill the stone walls whole (just the enought so that no rats live inside, not wind and those things) and that we do not use cement because its Capillarity is going to be terrible moisture.

Lift the entire floor of the interior and excavate at least 20cm to put pebbles and drainage underneath (ours is that it was never home but yours is surely better done and need not ...).

Mud plasters are supposed to be good for letting the walls breathe and for regulating indoor humidity (which will also be good not to subject too many expansions and compressions to the wood - the better wood that has grown in a similar climate, bring pine "Ecological" of Catalonia is to subject it to dilations until dangerous, so we have been told.

In the ceiling we thought to put cork, But many people are putting wool with borax, which is already a big improvement over traditional heather.

Go telling us how you are solving it! To us be able to use your knowledge ... any idea of  solutions​ s​impler / economical / diy  NOS INTERESA


and fabaceas zone 9 (plus licorice!)


8 years ago
thanks a lot andré!!!

(i though Castanospermum australe  did not tolerate the cold under 10ºC ... i liked it, is eatable, after treatment; and good wood  
8 years ago
ohhhh, in Gran Canaria you know somebody with a similar project? i know somebody who would love it!
8 years ago
- You have small land
- you dont want pay for more hands

luxury articles who have a regular need of hands around the year AND you can keep it storage with out devaluation

snails and snails caviar  parece buena opcion pero mucha gente se arruino esta década en españa con eso (confiaron en una empresa que decia que te educaba en la crianza de caracoles y te compraba toda la produccion pero era una estafa)
silk worms?

Sea lo que sea que elijas en vista del tamaño de la finca (y un tercio al menos no sera útil, sea por sus características o porque lo reserves para tu uso privado) vas a necesitar procesarlo en otros productos mas caros y diversificar lo máximo posible (nosotros hemos elegido 8 actividades complementarias entre si y aun así estamos aterrorizados); tal vez organizar cursos de cositas relacionadas con vuestra actividad artesanal; alojamiento (mucha gente que legalmente no puede alquilar alojamiento lo que hace es "regalarlo" con el curso). Tal vez hacer visitas guiadas (no como forma de ingreso sino como forma de que conozcan el sitio, los de abrazohouse, por ejemplo, cobran una cosita simbolica por la visita pero aprovechan para venderte el folleto y sobre todo para que conozcas el proyecto; tal vez poner un nodo de lacolmenadicesi, que es un ingleso muy pequeñito pero es dar a conocer el sitio y es aportar algo a la comunidad.

everyone here think blueberry its the panacea but need a lot of hands and you have to sell almost the same harvest day or lost it
8 years ago
You are so lucky!!! we in cantabria the only one we get similar almost no see the sun!!
you are happy with your arquitect? our architect ask 7mil for proyect of the first 300m2 to rebuild and she ignored us while the preproject... (erro volúmenes, nos cambio toda la distribución por algo que no tenia ni puto sentido  y "olvidó" que fosa séptica ya no es legal, con lo que no se si fiarme; recomiendas el tuyo? es mucho mas caro?)

already know what fabaceas tree you go to grown in the fruit zone? i dont know where know fast wich one can do the work in zone 9.

(iron forge!!! como mola! i want neighbour who do irn forge!!!
8 years ago
I am looking for fabacea trees and shrubs  for north spain (zone 8-9 . 400m high, 900mm year rain, acid soil, few sunlight hours). I cant use acacia (invasive here). And i'd rather use it not only for nitrogen fixer but also timber, medicinal, dyer,  eatable ....

Do you happen to know a tree of this kind or similar?
8 years ago