Thomas Pickens

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since Jan 07, 2021
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I live in a tiny house on a half acre. I grow figs and enjoy experimenting with random plants in my greenhouse.
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Zone 6b, Cape Fair, MO
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Recent posts by Thomas Pickens

Thomas Pickens wrote:Annurca apples are supposed to be one of the oldest in the world. They are quite often still grown from seed in Italy.

I was absolutely incorrect about this. This variety has been kept alive entirely through vegetative propagation.
1 year ago
Does anyone here happen to have any Simmon's Red Streak Lima for sale or trade? It's extremely difficult to find. This is one of the few places I've found it mentioned.
1 year ago
Mine are coming up now. I was so worried that the cold had killed them, but I also covered them with foam insulation panels for extra protection. Now there are 4 little culms coming up. I'm so stoked!
1 year ago
Try Etsy or Ebay. I get most of my seeds and cactus cuttings from them or He gas really good stuff and amazing prices. If you use Ebay or Etsy, just make sure you use the filters and only shop in the US, or you may get stuff confiscated depending on where it's from. Good hunting.
2 years ago
I walked about 3 miles yesterday down a ridgeline trail and didn't spot any prickly ash trees. I'll keep looking. I'm starting to believe that they aren't around here after all.
2 years ago
Want some yucca with them? I have Yucca Glauca, Joshua Tree, and Yucca Arkansana. Really easy to grow, but some don't like the roots being disturbed, so it's best to transplant the entire root ball, or use biodegradable pots and plant the whole thing. But out of the species I have, the Joshua Tree is the only really sensitive one.
2 years ago
There is anecdotal evidence it exists in Missouri, but MODOC claims that there's no physical evidence. I seem to remember seeing it a few times up near Springfield, so I will look tomorrow when I go to town. I will probably walk the Frisco Highline Trail while my roommate shops. If there are seeds left, they're yours.,not%205–11)%20leaflets.
2 years ago
When they fully drop leaves and go dormant, you can cut them down. Leave about 4-6 inches of stump above the soil level. Your females will produce suckers at a distance from, and right around the trunk. I personally recommend selecting some at a decent distance from the stump, in addition to selecting a few suckers from as close to ground level around the stump. Backup in case the stump gets an infection. The male trees will only put out suckers in extremely close proximity to the stump. Just try to select the best ones. This may be different in the other two North American persimmon species groups, but I'm not sure. Each group has a different ploidy level, meaning they have different numbers of chromosomes and cannot interbreed. I have however heard that the different groups count as pollinators, but crossed seed will be stunted and atrophied.
2 years ago
Wow. I need to get some of those eventually.
2 years ago