is rather gorgeous Greg!
Pfaf give Smilax herbacea a rating of 4 for edibility and say:
Leaves and young shoots - raw or cooked and used like asparagus[85, 102, 159]. A delicate and palatable vegetable[183]. Fruit - raw or cooked and used in jellies etc[85, 183]. It should only be used when fully ripe[183]. A pleasant flavour[207, 257]. The fruit is about 10mm in diameter[200]. Root - cooked[257]. It can be dried, ground into a powder and then used with cereals for making bread etc[62, 102]. It can also be used as a gelatine substitute[62, 102].
Sounds rather useful doesn't it? But I would have it too, just for the look of those fruit! I gather the plants are dioecious so you will need a male and a female to get fruit.