Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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Sharon Eta

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since Apr 10, 2021
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In closing the chapter with the availability of SKIP is encouraging to the reader.

What is not encouraging is the misleading of the promoting of the book with some hints on being able to find the folks with the land to pass on.

That's one of the main reasons I donated to this book but didnt discover that you do not, in essence, provide the resources in locating this land.

A list of the U.S. states and their websites or resources to find the land via accessors records, for example or how to locate probate property would be ideal and will attract more buyers into your book.

A reference guide of some sort at the end of the book is encouraging.

I thank you for the website and freebies for educational purposes though.

Eager Beaver on finding that rural affordable land.
Sharon Etchieson