Bradley Yates

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since Nov 27, 2024
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Recent posts by Bradley Yates

Debra Bannerman wrote:

Nick Borisenko wrote:No way, haha! I'm an INFJ too, and I feel exactly the same, and yeah, never yet had a partner. I never really thought those things are connected, and also with interest to permaculture - I'm not yet doing it for some difficult life circumstances but I closely research it, and hopefully one day...!

It's really nice to see so many fellow INFJs here, and some cool memes

I have taken this test before. Think I was an INFJ. But don't remember. Loved reading these posts. I am continuresearching living off grid. Premier stuff bit don't seem to be able to "get out of town". Would love country quiet. Lived a year or two on 25 acres cherry farm with my family as a kid, loved the space and quiet.
I am relating to the not  doing well finding a partner. I am divorced for the second time. Both turned out narcissistic... I was devastated. I am now living out of... hiding... in someone else's spare room. Could definitely do the van living thing if I could get myself together.
Thanks for listening.

Recently found out that I am an INFJ as well, it is one of the most amazing things i've discovered and it explains a lot in my life. But.. same here, second narcissistic relationship ending after a 7 year marriage. It's like our type attracts them like a super magnet. There is hope though, not knowing it at the time, I met the first INFJ ever in business last year and we had the most amazing deep and candid conversations. She was also not as easy to read as most people we come across. It gave me so much hope and actually is what made me finally realize how abusive the relationship I was in was for me.
Also wanted to add I found out that I am an INFJ MBTI personality type. Figuring that out at 37 and like looking back... that would have enlightened me so much earlier in life but I am still glad to have found it now.

Probably a bit mature at 37 and feel like i've been through a few lifetimes but I do look younger with the redhead genes. Im probably one of the most compassionate males I know, and currently dealing with some health issues only makes that stronger. Can see my post at to hear more.
4 weeks ago
I`ve been doing the miracle morning the past few days and it has seemed to help tremendously as far as energy and overcoming health adversity. You simply do SAVERS a few min each the second you wake up. Silence (meditation), affirmations, visualizations, exercise, reading, scribing. My other secret is clams (vit B boost). Will see if that lasts long term.
1 month ago
Adding photos, I am also authorized to work remote in ND as well.

1 month ago
I too am wanting to visit the area for potential land. My checkboxes were low humidity, sparse pop, and not any construction or mining going on nearby (that seems to be difficult to escape the past 5 years, the dump trucks just seem to follow me everywhere).
1 month ago

Jay Wright wrote:G'day Bradley. Bummer about the sensitivity. I had an almost neighbour once- lived a couple of miles back in the hills- who had to give up his two beautiful grazing properties when the reaction to chemicals made his life unbearable. Ended up on a few hundred acres of absolute garbage country because it was feree of all chemicals and residues. He got into geology and spent a lot of time in the deserts, and designed a camper with a state of the art air filtration system and oxygen on hand if he passed through a particularly unhealthy area. Another option which people have gone for here is an area right on the coast with a prevailing onshore breeze- no smell but sea weed Good luck!

Thanks, I know what you mean. My parents have a farm and a few years after they built their dream home multiple points on their propertly line had fracking done and natural gas wells put in. Now their well water smells like diesel, and of course, i'm the only one who can smell it and also leads me to think that is part of what got me so sick. My short term plan is to find an offgassed camper van or build a custom all natural interior (IE wool insulation, no particle board or chemicals) and go exploring for land out west. I grew up in Henderson, NV and miss the desert dearly.
2 months ago

In FL and looking to go out west to a low humidity area (AZ/UT/NV/TX). I have been wanting land for about 20 years now and have looked on and off. Now that I can work remotely, I am looking for something off-grid with no neighbors or someone to point me in the right direction as someone with no experience but with a bit of research done. I have been eyeballing north Arizona as a possible place when I get my own resources allocated and if I could, I would go with a square mile at some point.

I am 5"11, 210 with short auburn hair with italian ancestry and a football type build. I am an easygoing intellectual seeking someone like-minded, and my hobbies include hiking or exploring, PC gaming, eschatology, and neuroscience, or just health in general. The most remote places I have been are probably northern Maine and a cave in New Zealand. I have cherished those moments dearly, having always needed to be near dense city centers for work. If I could work outside the country, I would as it does not seem to be easy to find less populated areas here. Have no kids and not interested in kids, at least not anywhere in the short term. Just getting out of a 7 year marriage.

I will be upfront in that I have been through a lot. This makes me view life from a different viewpoint, and I am the happiest, most loving person ever when not in suffering. I suffer from MCS (multiple chemical sensitivities) and this makes "normie" life extremely hard (I can smell or react to fragrances, acids, mold, and smoke, and this causes bad throat/eye pain with dizziness). I have an extreme sense of smell and notice things no one else can. The humidity in FL makes it brutal, as smells seem to carry and permeate much further. Was on a 150-acre farm in WV this fall with lower humidity and realized how much better I was feeling. I am sure I can recover from this. I just need a safe enough environment for some time and not having to deal with constant exposure from neighbors or family using chemical products or smoking me out all day long. I would even be willing to try a boat out at sea at this point .

My long-term goals down the road are helping others recover from these types of environmental illnesses, environmental sickness awareness, and maybe getting a square mile of land, if that is what works. 
2 months ago