Neitz TX

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since Aug 11, 2011
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I have a few of these growing by a dead slippery elm in central texas. They are bullet shaped kind of round, off-white skin is semi-smooth with a little taring/flaking(tearing onthe small one is from me picking it, larger one outside, tore "naturally"), the inside is very dark brown. i do not think they are mature. The large one is about 9" tall
sorry about to poor quality of the picture.

10 years ago
Ok, Think i found it. From browsing Texas A&M's tree ID site... looks to be Eve's necklace, Texas Sophora.
11 years ago
Need some help on identifying this tree,

it has small oblong compound leafs and has small black pods that are a little bigger then deer or goat poop.

11 years ago
i sure can send you some pads. I got 3 in diffrent locations and they do great. 2 of them do almost to good.
The oldest plant i have is planted right next to a mesquite tree. Its in it dieing stage right now as it has become so big the pads that have become stocks cant support it anymore.
the second one is planted by a patio and gets run-off from the roof. this one blooms the best. im guessing from getting more water.
and the third is in the front drive by a wood fence. (dont know what type of wood) and it does great as well. i dont really monitor it that much.
the 2nd and 3rd are both from cuttings from the first. and the first has been here sence we moved here in 97. so its had 14+ years of no problems.

how would i send them though? wrap in wet paper towel, then a platic bag then box it up??
13 years ago
i have 2 Opuntia ellisiana cactus (both are thornless) and they grow so well the get to big and "die" then come back get to bet again and so in and so forth.

would using them for composting be a good idea, would i need to shread them to keep them from putting down roots?

if they are good to composting that would be great b/c i can plant the crap out of them and have lots of bio mass
13 years ago
I have a large Mesquite tree in my back yard with a large Opuntia ellisiana cactus that will actucaly get so big it cant support itself right next to the mesquite. and a Very large Fig tree next to both and 2 small small peach frees behind the fig and i think the fig tree is what is hurting them because its getting so big.

As far as growing from the pod. i have no idea. but there was some land just down the road thats maybe..7-8 acres that was just grasing pasture maybe 3 years ago that has been taken over by mesquite thats taller then the horses in the pasture.
13 years ago
Thanks guys/gals.
Are there any resources for berms and swales for flat ground. my property is pretty flat. and due to the lack of rain this year i have not been able to see where i do have run off.
13 years ago
I am in need of sujestions on what i can do with my 3.5 acres. im kind of having design block, and was hoping to get some insperation from you fine folks
this is a pic of my land.
Red represnts property line as well as fence.
Yellow is fencing and Green is a gate.

i am thinking about extending the back yard into the back pasture area and to my shop. then putting a root cellar.
No well water, but i am planing on installing a gutter system to catch rain water.
Trees are pretty much mesquite.
13 years ago
Thats about all the trees we have. There is a lot just down the road from me that was just tall grass that the owners let go and it's full of mesquite about 6 feet high.
13 years ago